Monday, January 17, 2011

The Perfect Time to RESET? Any Time

You are treated to exclusive daily advice and fitness and nutrition tips from none other than Kathy Kaehler, a well known celebrity trainer and USANA spokesperson.

Throughout the week Kathy provided words of encouragement in videos posted on the USANA Health Sciences, Inc. Facebook page as well as her own Facebook page. If you missed them, they can all be found on our YouTube Channel or by clicking on the following links:

The exciting thing about RESET is you can start any time. How about today, for instance? By the way, what is RESET (HTML PDF)?

Whether you finished the first stage of RESET last week and are now on the Transform Phase or you're starting RESET anew this week, please feel free to let us know how you're doing, what challenges you're facing, and what results you are seeing.

Pressing the RESET Button
To provide a little added encouragement, I wanted to share a couple of items.

First, if you haven't seen Laura Seabrook's incredibly creative video, you must check it out. Here's the YouTube link. You might remember that Laura, an actress and USANA Associate, produced this fun video answering the question: Why Do You Use Social Media? before last year's convention. Check out all her amazing videos on her YouTube Channel and why not go ahead and like her on Facebook?

Second, our friend Daniel Lopez — you might know him from this post — sent along an update right around the start of the new year. He's utilized the RESET program, eaten low-glycemic food, and exercised regularly. He included the following photos, the first taken in February 2010 and the second at the end of last year. 80 pounds and counting!* Way to go, RESET Dan!

Finally, here's a RESET video produced by USANA featuring Dr. Tim Wood, executive vice president of research and development.

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