Mainly, omega 3 affects every cell of our body changing their fat balance. This has great impact in the whole body, producing results in the following areas:
- Reducing inflammation in every cell
- Optimizing brain function and operation (DHA is highly present in the nervous system)
- Abnormal cell proliferation control ( read cancer)
- Blood clotting control
- Blood fats control
- Improved immune system operation
From the above, more than 50 specific omega 3 benefits become a reality.
Fish Oil Benefits -Essential Fatty Acids.
It may be relevant to keep in mind that omega 3 is not a fad or fashion, these areESSENTIAL fatty acids that the body needs to operate at its full capacity. They make up all our cells and tissues, can not be produced by the body, have to be eaten, otherwise we get sick.Some of the fat you eat becomes part of your cell membranes, and plays an important role in the way those cells behave. Your body is essentially a collection of billions of tiny cells. And the health of your cells will reflect the health of your body.
Fish is a special food because it contains two long-chain omega-3 fatty acids — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish don't actually produce EPA and DHA. Rather, they're synthesized by single-celled marine organisms that fish eat.
Fish Oil Benefits - Present Fish Dangers
Fish oil can be consumed by eating fish directly or by taking fish oil which is often available in the form ofsupplements such as tablets, capsules, pills, soft gels, etc.
What is the benefit of fish oil supplement? Why not eat fish instead?
Ideally we should be taking the omega 3 we need from fish, like our ancestors had been doing for thousands of years. We could be eating a diet rich in fish, shellfish and free range cattle, like many doctors and nutritionists still propose. There are several problems with this idea.
Normally our ancestors had their fish(or meat)raw and from clean uncontaminated waters; today we cook at high temperatures, oxidising the delicate omega 3 fats( bringing them useless) and all oceans are contaminated with so much pollutants that it is difficult to have a piece of mercury free fish. As you know mercury is highly toxic for humans.
You could ask, if all fish is contaminated, are omega 3 supplements safe? Well, according to what has to say, yes. Today most fish oil supplements are produced by a process called molecular distillation that eliminates almost all pollutants. They are safe enough to get the benefits of fish oil supplements,you can check your specific brand at that Site.
You could also ask, what about commercially produced fish, is it safe?. This fish also may have some degree of mercury pollution but the real problem is that this fish has less omega 3 than wild fish because its feeding is loaded with omega 6. They use grains, producing a high omega 6 low omega 3 fish. You may be wasting your money if what you are looking for is omega 3.
Fish Oil Benefits - Laying the Foundations
In order to improve your health, you not only shouldincrease your intake of omega 3 but should decrease also your omega 6, watching your diet and exercising at least 3-4 hours a week.If you just take some omega 3 and don’t lower your omega 6 consumption you may still have a very high omega 6/ omega 3 ratio. This way, you can get some of the benefits of fish oil supplements but miss some others. Your best bet is to lower to a minimum the grains and grain oils.
Our worst enemy is insulin. By exercising at a high intensity- accordingly to your condition-during 45-60 minutes a day, your body starts bringing balance to your hormones. This is very important. The hormone that damage our system the most is insulin.
Insulin, or high insulin, has many consequences, but basically it accelerates aging, makes us more fat, brings inflammation, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, increase the spread of tumour cells,etc. All things we don’t want.
By exercising very day, during an hour, at a high level, we bring insulin back to acceptable numbers, and doing that our aging is back to normal, as well as our blood pressure, triglycerides, inflammation, etc.
Not bad for something so simple and free. But many people would rather die on their couches.
If you are overweight, have high blood pressure or diabetes you better stop eating ALL grains. I know, it sounds terrible. It couldn’t be worst, but it’s the truth. As soon as you begin avoiding all grains and exercise, your insulin will come down drastically, you will feel 100% better and you won’t want to go back.
Fish Oil Benefits - Final
In short, when you take fish oil as a supplement you are not only avoiding any possible contaminants that the actual fish may have but now you have more control over the amounts of EPA and DHA ingested. This is relevant in the case you are taking it for therapeutic reasons; now you can measure and make changes in case your blood test indicates the need for it.With supplements you don’t have to eat a lot of fish, in case you don’t like it, and can avoid possible fish intoxication (relevant for small children and the elderly, the 2 most important ages to take omega 3)
Take your fish oil with a 400 IU of vitamin E to control or prevent fish oil oxidation inside your body.
There are different fish oil supplements in the market. They have various concentrations of EPA and DHA . They start from 180 mgrs of EPA and 120 mgrs of DHA, for every 1.000 mgrs of fish oil capsule. The more concentrated, and more expensive, have about twice those amounts per capsule.In any case, they are all acceptable to get the benefits of fish oil supplements.
Now, some Internet sites would like you to believe that their fish oil is the only, the purest of all and that you should avoid all others, in order to charge you enormous amounts of money for their wonderful product. I tend to mistrust that information. Fish Oil Benefits.
Over 95% of Anti-aging and Supplement programs do not work! Either becausethey are not scientifically formulated, are incomplete or, they contain inferioringredients. In some cases due to poor manufacturing processes many products donot even contain the stated ingredients at all!
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