Tuesday, September 20, 2011



The most comprehensive range of critical cellular nutrition your body needs for day to day energy and long-term health. 

Why Essentials? 

1.      Daily cellular nutrition
2.      Repairs damaged cells 
3.      Needed for new cells growth 
4.      Support body function 
5.      Protect cell from free radical damage

When taken together, Essentials complement our body basic nutrition needs.
      1) Vitamins   
       - 12 essentials
       - Good quality
       - Highly bio-available       
      2) Minerals 
       -Needed by our body to use macro nutrients
       -Vitamins& enzymes need a mineral cofactor for proper function
      3) Antioxidants
       - Comprehensive
       - ‘Full-body protection’

1. NSF Certification for Sport Program 

2. Enhanced Bioavailability

•  Easily absorbable form
•  Meets USP and BFD specifications
•  Pharmaceutical grade ingredients
•  No. 1 product in Nutritional Supplements Comparative Guide 

3.)  MIMS AND PPD Approved.

4. Athlete  Guarantee  Program
·         World-class athlete ( Derek Parra, Jennifer Heil, Werner Berger, Manny Pacquiao)
·         Philippine athlete (DLSUand UST Basketball Team, AZKALS Football Team)

5.) Trust your health to USANA HEALTH SCIENCES

And, last but definitely not least:



Health is metabolic efficiency. Sickness is metabolic inefficiency. Nobody is totally healthy or totally sick. Each of us is a unique combination of health and sickness. And each of us has a unique combination of abilities and disabilities, both emotional and physical. 

“Good health” is something people may say they want, but what do they mean? Good compared to what or who? I have a lot of Sherlock Holmes in me, admittedly, so I love getting to the core of an issue, figuring out exactly what is meant when someone uses a “fat word or phrase”.This quest for clarity has come in handy in my small marketing business, especially when a potential customer’s response is “it’s too expensive”. That’s when the fun begins for me. Think of the response as the wide end of a funnel, and the goal is to ask enough questions to get to the narrow end of the funnel. The Truth is in the narrow part of the funnel. 

To me, good health means having a state of physical and mental wellness that supports my desire to do the things I want to do. I am grateful for the ability to walk half a mile to the mall entrance and continue walking inside the mall for hours. I don’t love malls, it’s just an example. I would like malls more, I think, if I had “more money”…another fat phrase. But that’s another story. I “believe”, therefore it is true for me, that the body can heal itself if it has the “tools” it needs, the building blocks. I’m no scientist and I don’t understand the chemistry behind it all. I just know that how I set my mind about something has a direct influence on the outcome. I’ve experienced this many times in life. You know the saying, “be careful what you ask for, you may just get it”? Asking for, setting your intention, may be the same thing in the mind.

  Good health? What does that mean to you? What is the Truth for you? Get to the tip of the funnel, discover the true health of your body, mind and spirit.


Nutritional supplements are used for many purposes. They can be added to the diet to boost overall health and energy; to provide immune system support and reduce the risks of illness and age-related conditions; to improve performance in athletic and mental activities; and to support the healing process during illness and disease. However, most of these products are treated as food and not regulated as drugs.
Nutritional Supplements: Yes, You Really Do Need Them! WHY?

“Nutritional supplements? I can do without them, so do I really need to take them”?
I have heard this argument more than a dozen times before.The problem with most people is that they base their health on how they feel. Just because you feel healthy and in perfect fit now, does not mean you do not need supplements. When it suddenly strikes - an illness, a health problem, a sign of old age, weakness - we begin to search for a dietary or herbal supplement to help us get out of the hole we have unfortunately dug for ourselves.So, without further ado, the answer to this question is: YES, you do need nutritional supplements.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Free RADICAL Explained


Free radicals are atoms or molecules missing an electron. They must find another electron to make itself complete. A once stable oxygen atom loses its electron to a free radical, and now is damaged and open to disease.

Free radical damage has been associated with over 60 known diseases and disorders. Free radicals are the major cause in nearly every known disease, from heart disease, arthritis, cancer and cataracts, even the aging process itself.

Each human cell undergoes 10,000 hits from free radials each day. Free radicals form in the body when it's exposed to pollution, chemicals, sunlight, ozone, cigarette smoke, food additives, and oxygen.


How To Fight Free Radicals?
Antioxidants counteract free radicals. Antioxidants are molecules with an extra electron that share with the free radical. By Antioxidants giving up the free electron, the body's cells don't lose one and are safe from potential disease.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fish Oil Benefits - Fish Oil Supplements, Better Choice Than Fish

Fish Oil Benefits. A few words before we talk about the benefit of fish oil supplement. When we have Information praising the qualities of omega 3( EPA and DHA), it is important to remember the reasons for it.

"if you take fish oil you may be recieving less contaminants that eating the equivalent omega 3 fish"

Benefit of Fish Oil Supplement, fish oil supplements

Mainly, omega 3 affects every cell of our body changing their fat balance. This has great impact in the whole body, producing results in the following areas:

  • Reducing inflammation in every cell
  • Optimizing brain function and operation (DHA is highly present in the nervous system)
  • Abnormal cell proliferation control ( read cancer)
  • Blood clotting control
  • Blood fats control
  • Improved immune system operation

From the above, more than 50 specific omega 3 benefits become a reality. 

Fish Oil Benefits -Essential Fatty Acids.

benefits of omega 3 supplementsIt may be relevant to keep in mind that omega 3 is not a fad or fashion, these areESSENTIAL fatty acids that the body needs to operate at its full capacity. They make up all our cells and tissues, can not be produced by the body, have to be eaten, otherwise we get sick.
Some of the fat you eat becomes part of your cell membranes, and plays an important role in the way those cells behave. Your body is essentially a collection of billions of tiny cells. And the health of your cells will reflect the health of your body.
Fish is a special food because it contains two long-chain omega-3 fatty acids — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish don't actually produce EPA and DHA. Rather, they're synthesized by single-celled marine organisms that fish eat.

Fish Oil Benefits - Present Fish Dangers

Fish oil can be consumed by eating fish directly or by taking fish oil which is often available in the form ofsupplements such as tablets, capsules, pills, soft gels, etc.
What is the benefit of fish oil supplement? Why not eat fish instead?
Ideally we should be taking the omega 3 we need from fish, like our ancestors had been doing for thousands of years. We could be eating a diet rich in fish, shellfish and free range cattle, like many doctors and nutritionists still propose. There are several problems with this idea.

Normally our ancestors had their fish(or meat)raw and from clean uncontaminated waters; today we cook at high temperatures, oxidising the delicate omega 3 fats( bringing them useless) and all oceans are contaminated with so much pollutants that it is difficult to have a piece of mercury free fish. As you know mercury is highly toxic for humans.

You could ask, if all fish is contaminated, are omega 3 supplements safe? Well, according to what consumerlab.com has to say, yes. Today most fish oil supplements are produced by a process called molecular distillation that eliminates almost all pollutants. They are safe enough to get the benefits of fish oil supplements,you can check your specific brand at that Site.
You could also ask, what about commercially produced fish, is it safe?. This fish also may have some degree of mercury pollution but the real problem is that this fish has less omega 3 than wild fish because its feeding is loaded with omega 6. They use grains, producing a high omega 6 low omega 3 fish. You may be wasting your money if what you are looking for is omega 3.

Fish Oil Benefits - Laying the Foundations

fish oil supplementsIn order to improve your health, you not only shouldincrease your intake of omega 3 but should decrease also your omega 6, watching your diet and exercising at least 3-4 hours a week.If you just take some omega 3 and don’t lower your omega 6 consumption you may still have a very high omega 6/ omega 3 ratio. This way, you can get some of the benefits of fish oil supplements but miss some others. Your best bet is to lower to a minimum the grains and grain oils.

Our worst enemy is insulin. By exercising at a high intensity- accordingly to your condition-during 45-60 minutes a day, your body starts bringing balance to your hormones. This is very important. The hormone that damage our system the most is insulin.

Insulin, or high insulin, has many consequences, but basically it accelerates aging, makes us more fat, brings inflammation, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, increase the spread of tumour cells,etc. All things we don’t want.

By exercising very day, during an hour, at a high level, we bring insulin back to acceptable numbers, and doing that our aging is back to normal, as well as our blood pressure, triglycerides, inflammation, etc.
Not bad for something so simple and free. But many people would rather die on their couches.
If you are overweight, have high blood pressure or diabetes you better stop eating ALL grains. I know, it sounds terrible. It couldn’t be worst, but it’s the truth. As soon as you begin avoiding all grains and exercise, your insulin will come down drastically, you will feel 100% better and you won’t want to go back.
supplements of omega 3

Fish Oil Benefits - Final

In short, when you take fish oil as a supplement you are not only avoiding any possible contaminants that the actual fish may have but now you have more control over the amounts of EPA and DHA ingested. This is relevant in the case you are taking it for therapeutic reasons; now you can measure and make changes in case your blood test indicates the need for it.
With supplements you don’t have to eat a lot of fish, in case you don’t like it, and can avoid possible fish intoxication (relevant for small children and the elderly, the 2 most important ages to take omega 3)
Take your fish oil with a 400 IU of vitamin E to control or prevent fish oil oxidation inside your body.
There are different fish oil supplements in the market. They have various concentrations of EPA and DHA . They start from 180 mgrs of EPA and 120 mgrs of DHA, for every 1.000 mgrs of fish oil capsule. The more concentrated, and more expensive, have about twice those amounts per capsule.In any case, they are all acceptable to get the benefits of fish oil supplements.
Now, some Internet sites would like you to believe that their fish oil is the only, the purest of all and that you should avoid all others, in order to charge you enormous amounts of money for their wonderful product. I tend to mistrust that information. Fish Oil Benefits.

Over 95% of Anti-aging and Supplement programs do not work! Either becausethey are not scientifically formulated, are incomplete or, they contain inferioringredients. In some cases due to poor manufacturing processes many products donot even contain the stated ingredients at all!

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Understanding Free Radicals and Antioxidants

What are free radicals? Why are they damaging to the human body? And how does vitamin E and the other antioxidant nutrients help protect the body against free radical damage? We?ll attempt to answer these questions and help you understand why eating 5-8 servings per day of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables can benefit your health. But first, a little background?

Background: A Brief Look at Chemical Bonding

To understand the way that free radicals and antioxidants interact, you must first understand a bit about cells and molecules.  So here's a (very) brief refresher course in Physiology/Chemistry 101:  The hu[Oxygen atom]man body is composed of many different types of cells. Cells are composed of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined by chemical bonds.
As you probably remember from your old high school days, atoms consist of a nucleus, neutrons, protons and electrons. The number of protons (positively charged particles) in the atom?s nucleus determines the number of electrons (negatively charged particles) surrounding the atom. Electrons are involved in chemical reactions and are the substance that bonds atoms together to form molecules. Electrons surround, or "orbit" an atom in one or more shells. The innermost shell is full when it has two electrons. When the first shell is full, electrons begin to fill the second shell. When the second shell has eight electrons, it is full, and so on. 
[O2 molecule]The most important structural feature of an atom for determining its chemical behavior is the number of electrons in its outer shell. A substance that has a full outer shell tends not to enter in chemical reactions (an inert substance). Because atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill it?s outer shell by:
  • Gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell
  • Sharing its electrons by bonding together with other atoms in order to complete its outer shell
Atoms often complete their outer shells by sharing electrons with other atoms. By sharing electrons, the atoms are bound together and satisfy the conditions of maximum stability for the molecule.

How Free Radicals are Formed

Normally, bonds don?t split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Generally, free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, "stealing" its electron. When the "attacked" molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell.
Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body?s immune system?s cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals.
Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age.

How Antioxidants May Prevent Against Free Radical Damage

The vitamins C and E, are thought to protect the body against the destructive effects of free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the electron-"stealing" reaction. The antioxidant nutrients themselves don?t become free radicals by donating an electron because they are stable in either form They act as scavengers, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease.
Vitamin E ? The most abundant fat-soluble antioxidant in the body. One of the most efficient chain-breaking antioxidants available. Primary defender against oxidation. Primary defender against lipid peroxidation (creation of unstable molecules containing more oxygen than is usual).
Vitamin C ? The most abundant water-soluble antioxidant in the body. Acts primarily in cellular fluid. Of particular note in combating free-radical formation caused by pollution and cigarette smoke. Also helps return vitamin E to its active form.

The Antioxidants and Disease Prevention

  • Heart Disease ? Vitamin E may protect against cardiovascular disease by defending against LDL oxidation and artery-clogging plaque formation.
  • Cancer ? Many studies have correlated high vitamin C intakes with low rates of cancer, particularly cancers of the mouth, larynx and esophagus.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011


Riverford Organic FarmImage by 46137 via Flickr
Among the reasons are:

Soil depletion reduces the nutrient content.  In many areas of the world the land has been overfarmed without putting back enough nutrients on the land, or the soil is just of low quality.

Hybrid crops provide lower-nutrient food. These are used everywhere today, even on organic farms.  They yield more food per acre, but the crops often have a much lower nutrient content than those grown 100 years ago.
         For example, ten times as much rice or wheat are grown on the same land as was grown there 100 years ago.  As a result, in part, today's wheat contains about 6% protein whereas 100 years ago it contained 12-14%.  Trace mineral levels are similarly much lower due to high-yield farming methods.

Modern fertilizers do not supply enough trace elements. One hundred years ago, manures were used extensively for fertilizer.  Today, superphosphate fertilizers have largely replaced manures.  These contain mainly nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and are deficient in the trace elements contained in manures.
         Superphosphates often act more as growth stimulants.  This has contributed greatly to depletion of the soil and crop minerals.  This includes organically grown food, although it is much better.

Pesticides and herbicides damage soil microorganisms and reduce the nutrition of the crops.  Soil microorganisms are needed to make minerals and other nutrients available to plants.  The result of damage due to their use is often much lower nutrient content.  Also, our bodies require extra nutrients to process pesticide residues that remain inside the foods.
Many pesticides are deadly chemicals that severely tax the human system.  Some contain lead, arsenic and other toxic metals that slowly accumulate in the body unless and until one follows a health program designed to remove them.

Our laws currently allow sewage and even factory sludge to be sold as fertilizer that contains significant quantities of toxic metals.   These add greatly to our toxic metal burden and requires that we take in nutrients to help remove them from the body.

Long-distance transportation of many foods diminishes their nutrition.  As soon as a food is harvested, the levels of certain nutrients begin to diminish Today, many foods are grown thousands of miles from population centers.  They may spend a week on a truck or a train before they reach you.

Food processing often drastically reduces nutrient content.  For example, the refining of wheat to make white flour removes 80% of its magnesium, 70-80% of its zinc, 87% of its chromium, 88% of its manganese and 50% of its cobalt.

Similarly, refining sugar cane to make white sugar removes 99% of its magnesium and 93% of its chromium.  Polishing rice removes 75% of its zinc and chromium.  One answer to this is that some frozen foods are nutritionally better if they are flash frozen at the farm.  Even canned sardines are not bad if they are sped to you by aircraft or by boats soon after processing.  However, the best food is freshly harvested or freshly killed and eaten quickly.

Food additives can further deplete nutrients.  Thousands of artificial flavors, colors, dough conditioners, stabilizers and preservatives are added to most people’s foods.  While some are harmless and may even increase the quality of the food by preserving it, many are toxic and can deplete the body of nutrients.  For example, EDTAadded to some frozen vegetables to preserve the color of the vegetable does so by removing vital minerals from the vegetable so it does not “tarnish”.

Weak digestion and poor eating habits impair the absorption of nutrients. Most people’s digestion is very weak today.  As a result, they do not absorb nutrients well.  This further impairs nutrient absorption and increases nutritional needs.  This is why in nutritional balancing programs, everyone is given a digestive aid and liver detoxification supplement.
Stressful lifestyles deplete many nutrients including calcium, magnesium and zinc. Zinc begins to be eliminated from the body within minutes of a stress.  This is why many people have white spots on their fingernails, for example.

Stress causes excessive sympathetic nervous system activity, which reduces digestive strength.  This, in turn, reduces nutrient absorption and utilization even further. Thus, anyone under stress will need even more nutrients than those that live a very peaceful and quite existence.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What You Really Get with Vitamin Supplements

RDAs are “Grossly Oversimplified” For Vitamins and Supplements. RDA’s (Recommended Daily Allowance) are also used to set standards in many programs, but many nutritional scientists consider them to be out of sync with the needs of many Americans. It takes the stand of the mythical “average” that was created from a lot of scientific and mathematical “averages” computed from a group of people somewhere on the planet. Averages have become grossly oversimplified. Fixed but arbitrary set points have been established for a variety of factors. Many consumers today take vitamins and minerals in amounts far exceeding the recommended doses preventing chronic illnesses, like heart disease, and.
The fact is food alone cannot supply some nutrients in amounts sufficient to prevent disease, vitamin E at levels considerably higher than the current RDA has been linked by a number of researchers with the prevention of heart disease and improved immune function. Calcium-fortified orange juice, Vitamin-enhanced waters, Fortified cereals and energy bars, everywhere you turn, new products are showing up on supermarket shelves touting added vitamins and minerals. If you already take a multi-vitamin and mineral tablet, add a calcium or vitamin E supplement on top of that, and eat a few fortified food products along with a fairly healthy diet, you are now out of balance with too many vitamins and minerals.
We tend to think that more is better, or that if it’s natural, it can’t harm you, and that is particularly true when it comes to vitamins and minerals, but that’s not always the case, people habitually overdo it with vitamins and minerals and suffer the consequences.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Nutritionals You Can Trust

Nutritionals You Can Trust: "Safety. Efficacy. Quality: Nutritionals You Can Trust."

USANA and the Essentials of He-Man

Are you searching for a unique and creative — albeit a bit off-the-wall — way to explain the importance and value of USANA's Essentials? When it comes to creativity, USANA's Creative Services team is a veritable super hero! In the following guest post, let Aaron Adams explain how you can become the "master of your universe" thanks in part to the Essentials.
Aaron Adams
Not long ago, I was asked what it is that makes the USANA Essentials™ so neat. I love the Essentials. I take them every day and they’re fantastic. I almost love them more than I love Ritz Crackers and Sophia Bush — and that’s sayin’ something. But the difficulty lies not in my ability to gush over the products, but in my inability to effectively communicate what it is they do, specifically.

Maybe it’s the fact that I’m not the brightest bulb in the tool shed and scientific mumbo-jumbo makes my head spin, but as I was explaining myself, I failed. Miserably. What I was hoping would come across as eloquent, life changing, and intelligent, sounded more like befuddled alien speak. I may be exaggerating a bit, but you can imagine it probably sounded something like this: “Flux capacitors blah, blah, blah, fused with the derivatives of the color blue make for great power converters and serve as irrefutable proof that Bigfoot is really just a minuscule canine. Blah, blah, vitamins, blah. Cool, huh?”

By the Power of Grayskull
OK, it wasn’t that bad, but when I stopped, I realized I had no idea what I was talking about. That’s why I decided that comparing the USANA Essentials to He-Man and other Masters of the Universe is the best way to convey the importance of these products.

And now, without further delay, why I believe the Essentials are truly, well, essential:

At the center of Eternia lies the illusive Castle Grayskull — a fortress of knowledge and power, whose secrets are thought to grant ultimate control of the Universe. Naturally, Skeletor, with an unquenchable thirst for power, feels compelled to solve the mysteries behind this citadel and use it to serve his own corrupt purposes...

Think of the Essentials as He-Man and She-Ra. The Mega Antioxidant (He-Man), as a stand-alone product, fights oxidative stress (Skeletor), the cell-damaging process that results from environmental pollutants and natural aging. The Chelated Mineral (He-Man’s twin sister, She-Ra) assists in the conversion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.

While both products are formidable forces in their own right, they can’t defend Eternia (your body) all on their own. But when their powers combine with the might of Grayskull (your cells, and the key to exceptional health), they form a fearsome partnership that delivers a one-two punch that provides maximum benefits. And maximum benefits make you feel fantastic. Kind of like that one time when you took a ride on He-Man’s mighty Battle Cat, aka Cringer.

So there you have it. But even if He-Man and She-Ra aren’t your thing, don’t worry about describing the awesome power of the Essentials in any specific way — your own way will be just fine. We’re not all scientists and super heroes, after all.

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A Perfect Match: WTA and USANA Expand Partnership

The Australian Open, one of tennis' four Grand Slam tournaments, is just around the corner and with it the world's top tennis players are gearing up for what's sure to be an incredible 2011. As the new season gets under way, we at USANA are excited to announce that our partnership with the WTA — the premier name in women's sports — is growing.

Since 2006, USANA has been proud to be the official health supplement supplier to the WTA. But we're thrilled to announce that beginning this year and continuing through 2013, USANA Health Sciences is now not only the official health supplement supplier, but also an official partner, and USANA's Essentials are the official multivitamin of the WTA.

"I’ve been using USANA products since they began sponsoring the WTA, but had known of their great reputation as a high-quality supplements company," says Liezel Huber, one of the world's top doubles players. "The USANA Essentials and BiOmega are an important part of my health regimen, and I don’t go a day without them."

Throughout the coming months, What's Up, USANA? readers will be seeing and hearing from many of the top women's tennis players, each of whom will share with us her experiences regarding our high-quality nutritional supplements.

More than 5 million people attend WTA events throughout the year, and millions more watch on television. It's exciting to know that the best women's tennis players in the world believe so strongly in the world's top-rated nutritional supplements. It's truly a perfect match.

"I train for hours everyday and the USANA supplements I take help replenish and nourish me," says Samantha Stosur, who enters the 2011 season as the No. 6-ranked singles player in the world. "I trust USANA to maintain my health and wellness and support my goals."

As all tennis fans' eyes focus on Australia over the next few weeks, USANA's own Alan Bergstrom, vice president of customer service, as well as our colleagues in Australia-New Zealand, will offer updates on all the WTA happenings.

The Players
For now, please welcome to Team USANA the following six players who have agreed to personally endorse USANA and its products.

Kim Clijsters is one of the biggest names in women’s tennis today. She’s the No. 3 singles player in the world, and has won 40 singles and 11 doubles titles.
Liezel Huber is the not only a former No. 1-ranked doubles player in the world and currently No. 3, she’s won an astonishing 43 titles, with 17 of those from Grand Slam events. You might know her from USANA10.

Zheng Jie, the No. 26 player in the world, is from China and has won three singles titles and 13 on the doubles side in her seven-year career.

Samantha Stosur, a 26-year-old from Australia, is currently ranked No. 6 in the world. Sam has won a total of 24 titles on tour — two singles and 22 doubles.

Aleksandra Wozniak, turned pro in 2005. The 23-year-old Canadian has won more than 200 singles matches and recorded a singles title. She’s also a long-time USANA fan.

Melanie Oudin is only 19 years old, but she’s been playing on the WTA Tour since 2008 and was named Newcomer of the Year in 2009.

Look for Clijsters, Stosur, and other members of Team USANA at the Medibank International Sydney, which continues through January 15.

Learn More
For additional information about the WTA, please be sure to visit its website.

As always, check out our own USANA Athletes page on Facebook and follow @USANAinc on Twitter for valuable information regarding this partnership and other exciting news
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The Perfect Time to RESET? Any Time

You are treated to exclusive daily advice and fitness and nutrition tips from none other than Kathy Kaehler, a well known celebrity trainer and USANA spokesperson.

Throughout the week Kathy provided words of encouragement in videos posted on the USANA Health Sciences, Inc. Facebook page as well as her own Facebook page. If you missed them, they can all be found on our YouTube Channel or by clicking on the following links:

The exciting thing about RESET is you can start any time. How about today, for instance? By the way, what is RESET (HTML PDF)?

Whether you finished the first stage of RESET last week and are now on the Transform Phase or you're starting RESET anew this week, please feel free to let us know how you're doing, what challenges you're facing, and what results you are seeing.

Pressing the RESET Button
To provide a little added encouragement, I wanted to share a couple of items.

First, if you haven't seen Laura Seabrook's incredibly creative video, you must check it out. Here's the YouTube link. You might remember that Laura, an actress and USANA Associate, produced this fun video answering the question: Why Do You Use Social Media? before last year's convention. Check out all her amazing videos on her YouTube Channel and why not go ahead and like her on Facebook?

Second, our friend Daniel Lopez — you might know him from this post — sent along an update right around the start of the new year. He's utilized the RESET program, eaten low-glycemic food, and exercised regularly. He included the following photos, the first taken in February 2010 and the second at the end of last year. 80 pounds and counting!* Way to go, RESET Dan!

Finally, here's a RESET video produced by USANA featuring Dr. Tim Wood, executive vice president of research and development.

Friday, January 14, 2011

USANA Products Named Best of the Best

Now in its 4th edition, Lyle MacWilliam’s Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements compares over 1,500 nutritional products in North America to an independent nutritional benchmark developed from the individual recommendations of 12 recognized nutritional authorities.

 The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements recently awarded USANA its highest distinction possible—the NutriSearch Gold Medal of Achievement™—and selected USANA as its Editor’s Choice.

Lyle MacWilliam“With over 1,500 nutritional supplements evaluated, USANA’s Essentials™ continue to set the gold standard, earning the NutriSearch Gold Medal of Achievement™ for proven product excellence.”

—Lyle MacWilliam, BSc, MSc, FP
Former Canadian Member of Parliament and Member of the Legislative Assembly for British Columbia

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

USANA Connects With Champ, '30 Rock' Star

Here's a fun story for you to keep in mind when you're out talking to people about USANA. You never know who you'll run into.

Lori Truman
, USANA's executive director of United States field development, passed along this bit of information.

USANA's Lady Bernal and James Taruc were delivering USANA products to professional boxer Manny "Pac-Man" Pacquiao (the first Filipino and Asian boxer to win five world titles in five different weight divisions) the other day when "30 Rock" star Tracy Morgan struck up a conversation with the Gold Directors about their bright orange Lotus parked outside.

When Tracy found out who the vitamins were for, he asked if Lady and James would introduce him to Manny (since he was a fan). They obliged and even took a few photos of the boxer and the actor.

When Tracy found out Lady and James were working a USANA business selling nutritionals, he said, "Maybe I should be taking those."

Here's a photo of Lady and James with Manny.

So there you go. A chance meeting that could lead to another celebrity becoming part of the USANA family.
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Expanded Partnership with WTA Brings Big Names

The WTA Tour has 52 events in 32 countries. These events are attended by more than five million people, and watched by millions more on television. All those big numbers make the WTA Tour the No. 1 name in women’s sports. Impressive, right?

What’s also impressive is that the world-class athletes of the WTA only trust their health to one supplement company—USANA. The partnership between USANA and the WTA has been a successful one over the years, and starting in 2011, that partnership is expanding in new and exciting ways for USANA, the WTA, and your business.

USANA is now the Official Health Supplement Supplier of the WTA, an Official Partner of the WTA, and the Official Multivitamin of the WTA. That means the top women’s tennis players in the world are relying on the same high-quality products you use every day.

And, for the first time, you’ll be seeing and hearing from some of the best of the best in the WTA. Part of the new, expanded partnership means six of the Tour’s top players will be able to personally endorse USANA products, give testimonials, and appear across different mediums talking about USANA—print, broadcast, and online.

Now it’s time to meet the newest members of Team USANA:
• Samantha Stosur, a 26-year-old from Australia, is currently ranked No. 8 in the world. Samantha has won a total of 24 titles on tour—two singles and 22 doubles.

• Zheng Jie, the No. 24 player in the world, is from China and has taken home three singles titles and 13 on the doubles side so far in her seven-year career.

• Melanie Oudin is only 19 years old, but she’s been playing on the WTA Tour since 2008. Melanie was named Newcomer of the Year in 2009.

• Liezel Huber is the not only the No.1-ranked doubles player in the world, she’s taken home an astonishing 43 titles, with 17 of those from Grand Slam events.

• Aleksandra Wozniak turned pro in 2005, and the 23-year-old Canadian has already recorded a singles title. She’s also a long-time USANA fan.

• Kim Clijsters is one of the biggest names in women’s tennis today. She’s the No. 3 singles player in the world, and has won 40 singles and 11 doubles titles.

Look for Clijsters, Stosur, and some of their fellow newcomers to Team USANA at the Medibank International Sydney January 9–15. With all the USANA exposure, this is also a great time to show your prospects the power of this new, expanded partnership.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stock Market Listings:Usana(USNA) Opens On NYSE

Usana Health Sciences (USNA)  greets 2011 on the NYSE stock market listings.
Usana has continued to be in the public eye as a very viable business option during the tough economic downturns of the past two years.
Stellar management combined with award winning products keep this network marketing company in the limelight not only for business opportunities for the person looking for change in today's economy but also for the savy investor.
Usana's consistent steady performance over the years have put it in this well deserved place of investment opportunity.
I can assure you that you will not be wasting your time researching what this powerful company is up to and where it is poised to keep on going.
"USANA Health Sciences, Inc.engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of nutritional and personal care products in North America and the Asia Pacific. The company offers two product lines, USANA Nutritionals and Sense."
"The company distributes its products through a network marketing system of organized independent distributors. USANA Health Sciences, Inc. was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah".
To get more news check it out at the NYSE The company distributes its products through a network marketing system of organized independent distributors. USANA Health Sciences, Inc. was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah."
To check this new stock market listing on the NYSE  check out one of these stock market websites

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