Health is metabolic efficiency. Sickness is metabolic inefficiency. Nobody is totally healthy or totally sick. Each of us is a unique combination of health and sickness. And each of us has a unique combination of abilities and disabilities, both emotional and physical.
“Good health” is something people may say they want, but what do they mean? Good compared to what or who? I have a lot of Sherlock Holmes in me, admittedly, so I love getting to the core of an issue, figuring out exactly what is meant when someone uses a “fat word or phrase”.This quest for clarity has come in handy in my small marketing business, especially when a potential customer’s response is “it’s too expensive”. That’s when the fun begins for me. Think of the response as the wide end of a funnel, and the goal is to ask enough questions to get to the narrow end of the funnel. The Truth is in the narrow part of the funnel.
To me, good health means having a state of physical and mental wellness that supports my desire to do the things I want to do. I am grateful for the ability to walk half a mile to the mall entrance and continue walking inside the mall for hours. I don’t love malls, it’s just an example. I would like malls more, I think, if I had “more money”…another fat phrase. But that’s another story. I “believe”, therefore it is true for me, that the body can heal itself if it has the “tools” it needs, the building blocks. I’m no scientist and I don’t understand the chemistry behind it all. I just know that how I set my mind about something has a direct influence on the outcome. I’ve experienced this many times in life. You know the saying, “be careful what you ask for, you may just get it”? Asking for, setting your intention, may be the same thing in the mind.
Good health? What does that mean to you? What is the Truth for you? Get to the tip of the funnel, discover the true health of your body, mind and spirit.
Nutritional supplements are used for many purposes. They can be added to the diet to boost overall health and energy; to provide immune system support and reduce the risks of illness and age-related conditions; to improve performance in athletic and mental activities; and to support the healing process during illness and disease. However, most of these products are treated as food and not regulated as drugs.
Nutritional Supplements: Yes, You Really Do Need Them! WHY?
“Nutritional supplements? I can do without them, so do I really need to take them”?
I have heard this argument more than a dozen times before.The problem with most people is that they base their health on how they feel. Just because you feel healthy and in perfect fit now, does not mean you do not need supplements. When it suddenly strikes - an illness, a health problem, a sign of old age, weakness - we begin to search for a dietary or herbal supplement to help us get out of the hole we have unfortunately dug for ourselves.So, without further ado, the answer to this question is: YES, you do need nutritional supplements.